Next year, Ukraine will be able to independently provide all the needs of the defense forces in armored vests and Reznikov helmets
Next year, Ukraine will be able to independently provide all the needs of the defense forces in body armor and helmets, the Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Oleksiy Reznikov, said "First of all, next year Ukraine will be able to independently provide all the needs of the defense forces in body armor and helmets.
If necessary, imports can become a point addition," Reznikov wrote on Facebook on Friday He showed in the photo examples of Ukrainian-made helmets and body armor that correspond to the 4th and 6th class of protection according to NATO standards.
"I emphasize What you see is not imported and then assembled and sewn.
It is produced From steel and ceramic plates to fabric, accessories, special threads, etc.
," Reznikov noted The head of the Ministry of Defense added that currently there is no possibility to produce only one specific component in Ukraine, because there are no suitable technologies in the chemical industry.
Reznikov expressed confidence that domestic business will eventually solve this problem as well "Secondly, our manufacturers not only fulfilled orders for the Ministry of Defense, but also experimented, created new samples, and improved quality.
In particular, a bulletproof vest was developed specifically for our defenders, taking into account anthropological features, with means for redistributing the load, etc It has no analogues.
After after completing the cycle of tests, he will join the army," the minister informed Reznikov drew attention to the fact that the 6th protection class bulletproof vest is also currently being tested with ceramic plates and a number of innovations that reduce the load on the back and make it possible to quickly reset the protection with one movement.
"It is light and reliable Convinced, that these products have the potential to become competitive on the international market," he added.
At the same time, the head of the Ministry of Defense of ukraine drew attention to the fact that there was officially one helmet in reserve for the entire Kyiv garrison last winter "Everyone remembers how difficult the situation was with provision of helmets and body armor in March and April.
According to the data reported to me, the entire Kyiv garrison was officially in reserve last winter .
One Helmet
It was necessary to launch in such a reality," he noted According to Reznikov, as of November 17, 2022, the Ministry of Defense not only provided for the current needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but also formed and has been supporting the army in the form of more than 200,000 reserves for several months.
bulletproof vests and more than 100,000 helmets He assured that the reserve will gradually grow in accordance with the requests of the Armed Forces.
"That is, during the active phase of the war, we became de facto independent in one of the important elements of providing for our soldiers We try to apply a similar strategy wherever it is justified.
So that Ukraine relies on its potential as much as possible and develops it First of all, in the process provision of weapons and military equipment," Reznikov noted.
He emphasized that the Ministry of Defense initiated and ensured the adoption of the government's decision, which greatly simplified the process of testing and acceptance of samples for armament or supply Reznikov is sure that the next step will be a review of all existing research and development projects, in order to leave funding only to those that are truly result-oriented, as well as a change in the approach to the implementation of R&D.
"We are improving logistics, including through the implementation of NATO's Logfas program We explain in detail the logic of our actions to partners and build a system of medium and long-term support projects.
This attracts the economic potential of the free world to the benefit of Ukraine Russia will lose on this field," Reznikov wrote.
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